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Showing posts from July, 2007

Frank Loh

Left to right: me, Judge Ito, a young Frank ;-) Okay, it's really me, Frank, and his son Garrett having lunch under a tent in the Arts Quad. Frank and I were roommates during our senior year. He is now a neurologist and a father of two. I learned that this Saturday morning, he and Garrett went on a long distance run to the Plantations. I remember needing my bicycle to get out there. Frank introduced me to Gerry Cocco , also class of '82. I never knew him during my undergraduate years, but it turns out he does Palm software for the medical community. I used to do that too, but found it a really tough niche; I wish Gerry much success.

Phil Chao

Friday evening I ran into Phil Chao. Here's a photo of us in the lobby of Mary Donlon. As freshman we took Mandarin 101 and 102 together. Class met 8am Monday through Friday, a schedule I vowed never to repeat. Today, Phil is a lawyer for the FDA and he hears it from both sides: "The FDA is approving too slowly. People are dying!", and "The FDA is approving too quickly. People are dying!" I know Phil is one of the good guys. Here are some photos he took during the reunion.